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To the point where the average man will go out of his way to take a look, even in public, even in front of me at times. Well, one day, as we were making love, she said to me, "Honey, do you think that we could put on an adult video on the computer and watch it as we make love?"Now I'd been asking her to do this for years. Like most married men, I watch adult videos regularly, so of course, I agreed! To my surprise, she kept making me look for one that showed black men; lots of black men around a beautiful porn star, all naked and all taking turns gang-banging her. My wife's pink cunt, became as wet as I’d ever felt it before, and she would tell me how lucky that girl was and how good it looked like she felt. She went out of her way to point out how big the black men's cocks were and how they turned her on! Well this thought stayed with me, and soon my wife had me putting on adult videos, every time we made love, as well, having me take out her big dildo, the one I had purchased for. How could she have mistaken a jerk like Ron for a nice guy? Again? It seemed like every guy she went out with lately did something like that, although none had been so hurtful as this. It was so much worse that Simon was involved. If Ron had said something to her while they were out, or at least alone, she would have been just as angry and still told him to go, but it wouldn’t have been this bad. For him to have said that in front of Simon made her want to die. She didn’t want Simon to know what lousy choices she made with guys. What she wanted was Simon. It had been that way for ages, but for all the usual reasons, she hadn’t made any moves. They were best friends, and she didn’t want to ruin that. Plus, Simon deserved better than her. He deserved someone who didn’t have a twisted scar running the length of her leg, who didn’t walk with a permanent limp, who wasn’t constantly fighting to keep her self-confidence up. She’d always thought Simon was gorgeous. She loved his broad.
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