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After a while i told her i was happy to buy her tights etc but that i was a bit uncomortable looking through the stuff with the other guy being in the room and it didn't look like he was going to leave! so she took stuff in the kitchen then i asked her if she could put a pair of the natural tights back on for me to get some pics and i asked her if she could wear them without panties (as i had asked her earlier when she originally sent the pics before i went to her house). so she popped into to the toilet to put them on then came back into the kitchen in just the tights without panties and her jumper on. i asked her to shut the door as i didn't want the guy in the next room or her son upstairs to see or hear us. as i was about to take pics on my phone i just thought i'd be braver and asked her if i could do a quick video on my phone of her legs and feet instead and she said ok! so i started filming her sexy legs and feet in her sheer tights then i moved up to her arse and started to. My mom replied."Thank you. I appreciate. Im gonna run and get a change of clothes and be right back over." Melissa said.Melissa returned to the house and i showed her to the bathroom."If you need any help just call me." I said."Ok"she said as she licked her lips. The shower began running and not even two minutes later i hear Melissa calling my name."Kevin....Kevin im not sure i did this right can you come in here and help me." she said. I went into the bathroom and covered my eyes even though i had already seen her naked and much more before. "Wha...What can i help with you with." I asked."Well first you can stop covering your eyes youve already seen me naked." She replied.I uncovered my eyes and i got see that beautiful body once again. Melissa was smiling standing in the shower with the water just running down her body. "You make it so easy. you know that." she said."Um...Im not sure we should do this, my parents are right down the hall." i replied. Melissa stepped out of the.
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