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.. SELF ... CHOP! CHOP!!"She finished her little soliloquy by curtly waving hands, palms down, several times rapidly the general direction of the open doorway behind him. Judging from his sudden shift in expression, the burly Tanzuru 'caught enough' of what she had said to be certain he didn't like what he had heard. Scowling, turning on heel, he stalked to the door. He then turned again and stopped, adopting a parade rest stance, regarding her sternly beside his battle staff."Great!" Kiyone thought glumly. "And he can't take a hint!"Shrugging after a moment or two, flashing a smile, she made her way over to the fridge and opened its door."Not much here." She mused gazing hungrily around. The crab-puffs, squid-casserole and various leftovers however were not on her menu."I probably can't get the light-bulb out with no-neck not noticing!" She thought glumly. The big goon in the door way was putting the 'kabosh' on her intended scavenger hunt."And This damn robe only has one pocket.". You and Gramma were married on Valentine's Day. But what I don't understand is if you hated February so much, why did you get married in that month? Come on Grampa, tell me the story." Well, you know we were married on Valentine's Day, but you may not know we actually met for the first time the previous Valentine's Day." I began my story."Oh boy, this ought to be good!" Shelly said with a grin.Just then, Marg looked around the corner to give me a look reminding me to be careful – I was talking to an impressionable young lady. It's amazing how much she can communicate to me without speaking. In that moment, I wondered for the millionth time how I was so lucky to be Marg's one and only."I was twenty-two when we met. I had gone out with a couple of friends to a bar for a couple of drinks after work. We were standing at the bar bemoaning the fact that it was Valentine's Day and none of us had dates. I felt a presence to my left, and when I looked down, I saw the most incredible set of.
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