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“Strip” he said “We have time to kill and I presume no body wants to be the brave fool that gets hurt, if you do exactly as I say we will all leave here uns**thed”. He was waving his gun at the three of us. My wife was looking ta me as if for guidance, but realising we had no choice, we began removing our clothes. “And you” he pointed at Jenny, who slowly pulled her nightdress off, “And your panties” he said. When we were all naked he picked up our clothes and placed them in his back pack. “Now sit down” he pointed at the large sofa.He sat opposite us, quietly for a few moments, “You” he pointed at my wife, “spread your legs” he waved the gun as another reminder of who was in charge. Slowly she spread her legs. He got off his chair, walking around to the camera checking the viewfinder. “Good” he looked up, “Now rub your pussy”My wife is probably the most vanilla person in the world, even having the light on during sex makes her feel uncomfortable, we enjoy sex but it generally consist. Once done you let the shirt slide down your arms and land in a heap by the door.“Good.’ he exclaims as he reaches down to adjust himself. Now come over here and let complete you ensemble. You walk to him and stand there before him as he looks you up and down. Your only hope is that no one walking by the house at this moment can see in the front windows to your nakedness.He reaches down behind him and pulls out two pair of black restraints. He had purchased them several years earlier and used them on you once. You wonder where the ties that go to the restraints are as he methodically places one around each ankle and wrist. Then he reaches behind him once more and produces the long red leash. Reaching up he attaches the leash to the collar you wear.“Now your outfit is complete. Why don’t you go back over there by the door and model it for me.” You turn and walk back to your place by the door thankful that it now shields you from any pedestrians happening by. However, you’re.
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