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My mom made me wear one to school, but as soon as I get there, I’d go to the bathroom, take it off, and stuff it in my backpack. I’ve always hated wearing a bra. I don’t like all the straps across my back and over my shoulders. It’s uncomfortable and since my tits didn’t need to be held up, what’s the point? I never did get young girls wearing training bras before they even started growing any tits. They want to feel older, but it just looks dumb and doesn’t feel good. I never did that.The only reasons that girls wear bras when their tits are small like mine were is either because their mom makes them wear one (like mine did) or because they don’t like how their Dixie cups look in a shirt and so wear a padded bra to get a more rounded shape. The problem is that the shape looks fake. It’s too rounded and too perfectly shaped. Any guy should be able to tell you’re wearing falsies. I didn’t mind at all that guys could see the shape of my tits under my shirts and could usually. We had two black guys who were roommates in our section of eight rooms. Everybody got along extremely well. Blacks, whites – we got along great! We all did everything as a group. Played touch football, basketball, ate dinner together. The two black guys were named James and Malcolm. We had a common shower area were several guys could shower together. I had dated in high school and even had a few dates here in college. My roommate seemed to attract women being a musician, and with the beard and long hair girls liked him.I was able to get the few he didn’t want to be with. Anyway, I considered myself straight and had no interest in guys – at least until one afternoon when I was alone. At least I thought I was alone; I came in from classes and decided to shower. I was from an all-white high school in the suburbs. We only had two black students, both girls.I was in the shower when in walked Malcolm and James. They were a little leery of being around whites both coming from all-black high.
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