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One hand squeezing his shaft as it moves back and forth; the other kneading and tugging on his balls. I lean in and begin to kiss his gorgeous manhood. I warm his sensitive skin with the heat of my breath. I work the head of his cock, licking up the pre-cum oozing at its tip. Then opening my mouth I pull him in between my lips. My mouth now firmly around his shaft, I release a moan letting him know that I enjoy performing my services. Again, he strokes a hand through my hair. As I glide my mouth back and forth along his shaft, I put much affection into it. Daddy places both of his hands on the back of my head, but does not apply force. The pleasure I bestow onto him is mine alone. No assistance required. I ease his hard cock deeper into my mouth, until it breaches the entrance of my throat. With one hand, I stroke his engorged dick helping to guide it farther still. With my opposite hand, I continue massaging his sac. My Daddy deserves the best, and I plan to give him no less. By the. “Beautiful,” Damian softly whispered and wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close. “You were beautiful last night. Powerful. Amazing. Did they really happen, or was I dreaming?”Relieved that Damian still felt that way — that she was beautiful and amazing — Erin’s face spread into a small grin as she caressed Damian’s hip and replied, “it was definitely not a dream.”“I can’t wrap my head around it.” Damian continued. “But somehow, from some intuitive place I can’t logically understand, I feel like it was somehow meant to be. That may be the craziest thing I have ever thought or said. But it’s true.”Although she could not find the words to express or explain it, Erin felt the same thing. And it was somehow, in some unimaginable way, perfectly right.“Damian, at any point last night, did you hear the drums?” Erin asked. “I did,” he responded. “As soon as I came downstairs and saw you with my father. That’s part of why I feel as if it was meant to happen. For whatever reason.” Damian.
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