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Eirene’s halyards had been secured to the stays so they didn’t tap. Rain beat on the coachroof. I was glad to be in a secure, fairly sheltered spot. In bed, Clara snuggled up to me. While that was a little disturbing, it was also comforting.The winds continued through Tuesday, slowly diminishing, with intermittent bursts of rain. We met Jenni, Davey and Jessica for lunch in the cafe, some of the best fish’n’chips I’ve ever tasted. Clara spent the rest of the day with Jessica while I worked.The pattern continued with minor variations for a couple of weeks, by which time I was ready to get into the editing and polishing stage. It was time for me to go home. Eirene needed to be returned to a berth in Maldon, where she served as a base for Jenni when she worked on the barges. Tide wise, we were almost back to where we started. Marty helped me extricate the boat from the creek and back onto the swinging mooring one evening, and the following morning, early, Clara and I left the Ferry and. Work with Mike."I stiffened. What Mike did was never entirely revealed to me. I had some clue about it – I couldn't not, after the youth we'd had -, but no details. Never details. None. Mike was very careful about that. He told me he was a troubleshooter for an oil company, hence all the zipping around the world he did, but we – Jo, me and his parents – knew that was bullshit. I knew what Mike did for a living, at least I was pretty sure on the broad strokes. We had planned it together, growing up. It's what we always wanted to be.I should back up, since I'm going down a path and into details that you have no context for. So let me change that. Here goes.I'm Jake Tramell. The woman holding my hand is my wife, Jo. We've been married for 22 years, getting hitched when we were both the grand old age of 23. Which makes us, you guessed it, 45. We met in college. Mike was the year ahead of us and was my oldest friend in the world. Our parents had been friends for years; they'd even bought.
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