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Looking at the door, I saw you peaking from behind the bathroom door motioning me to follow you. As soon as I entered the bathroom, you came up behind me and slowly undressed me. The first thing to hit the floor was my black silk bra, you kissed up my spine and gently nipped at the side of my neck as you cupped my breasts in your hands from behind and slowly teased my nipples. Next you pulled my pumps off, one at a time, tickling the soles of my feet to make me giggle. I pushed back into you as your fingers walked their way down my stomach and unbuttoned my jeans. You slid them slowly to the floor, exposing my leopard print thongs. I could feel you hard against me through your jeans as you grabbed my hips and pulled me close to you. I moaned into your mouth as you turned me around to deeply kiss me. I used this opportunity to pull at your jeans, making them fall to the floor. I stroked your hard cock through the fabric of your boxer briefs, teasing you. I pulled my panties down and. No matter how much I feel you are mine, how the way you taste, the way your scent has changed to something more heady, heavier and potent, one sound, one movement can pull you out of the web of pleasure I weave. Your head turns away, (to the window where the sound of a car reminds you of the world outside?) and I have to recapture lost ground. My lips play along your ribcage in bites and licks, a teasing torture to tantalise and taunt. Your hands bury in my hair, their very lack of coordination a testament to your rising passion. They are not sure if they want to hold me closer, push me away or hurry me along - so I ignore them. I let you feel my smile on your skin. Your thighs have opened for me, inviting and begging in their eager acceptance of my touch. As I massage along their strong lines, your hips buck and just for a moment I hold you still, impress on you that today I am the one to play. I love that whine, the impatience ripped from your mouth in almost angry demand. It is.
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