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Before she had a chance to register what he'd said, he took her hand and pulled her up, she teetered on her heels. "Billy" he shouted "put the lights on" and he tugged her along..."come on you lot" Bernie called to me, Ian and Neville, "you can come too, and Billy go thru and sort out some Bales!" Then he disappeared thru a door on the left, dragging Jackie behind him.As I walked thru the door, I was amazed to find that the block next to the house was a stable, with four well equipped stalls and a corridor running in-front to a set of closed double doors. The 1st stall was empty, but Bernie and Jackie were already standing looking into the second stall.As I joined them, Bernie was talking to Jackie, his arm round her waist and his other hand pressed against her tummy. There in the stall they both stared at a large black faced Ram, with huge curving horns. "He's called Colin" Bernie was saying. The luckiest creature ever" Bernie looked back at use "Think of it boys, he spends his life. Me: My thighs will get drenched into it.Dean: Yes, that’s the punishment. You are not allowed to use water to clean your thighs and legs. Also, you can take a shower once a day only.How ridiculous this person is. I will now be more humiliated, and other students will think of me, seeing my thighs drenched in my pee. I will now have to drink more and more water so that the pee doesn’t smell. But, if I drink more, I will have to go to the loo many times. I was in a real dilemma.I left the dean’s office with a totally confused state of mind and reached my class. Somehow the classes were done for the first half, and there was a break. I wanted to go to the loo. I thought to go after 5 minutes so that everyone would be done by it.Since students don’t know about the condition as of now, no one would complain about it. I reached the men’s loo after 10 minutes, and as hoped, it was vacant. We had 4 loos in the college, and as I was entering, I saw professor Akshay standing inside it.He said,.
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