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I think her feet was size 6. Her soles were dry and rough with little cracked heels. I offered her a feet session for massage, exfoliation and hidration for her soles and she loved the idea. She asked me how much that would be cost and I aswered that if she helps me test a new technique I 'd do it for free. I lied to her and told her that she must use a blindfold during the treatment for her touch be empowered for the energy from her vision that would be distribuid for her body. A bullshit that she fell like a duck. And I asked her if I could use a warm lotion for her soles and she agreeded. I told her that the lotion was natural and I make it during the treatment. Suspicious, but I protected myself asking for use her stove to produce the lotion. She agreed and confirmed that we gonna do the feet session in her house. I could not believe that a lie like that has worked. And the day came.I went in her house and she received me with a smile on her face. We have a chat about one hour. Leaving the boardroom without a deal was not an option and two of her three adversaries were leading her down a path that would have ended in a stalemate.It was not her style.Brian, the younger of the two businessmen and Amy, the technical guru were the most awkward and kept stalling on every technical point that Melissa had a resolution for. The older gent, Mathew Davies, the one with the salt and pepper hair and moustache was more or less on her side all the way through, and he was their boss. Still, it was in his interest to allow the duelling to come to a respectful conclusion that satisfied everyone.Melissa had done her homework on all of her adversaries. She knew how they behaved, what wine and food they liked and disliked, after all, she would be taking them out for a meal as soon as she sealed the deal, though they weren’t to know that.She even knew their sexual preferences, though, one would never know that Amy was a lesbian, she gave no hints whatsoever as to her sexual.
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