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"I'm closer to you even more than Gail in a way." She giggled. It felt really good when it caused all kinds of twitches around my cock. "I don't mean like this. I mean maybe I do. I mean you can't get any closer than this, you stuck all the way up my poop shoot." She giggled again causing both of us to moan because I twitched back. "If you think about it, this is exactly how we started. Not much getting to know each other before we were fucking." I was playing your john after all," I reminded her."Exactly. All that undercover stuff turning you on." Again the giggle. Again the twitch. Again the moans. Since I hadn't been bringing any friction to my cock, it definitely kept me engorged. "But I always felt so comfortable with you, even from the beginning, even with that asshole ... so to speak ... threatening to break down the door any second, even with Sandy hiding in the closet. It's never been like that with anyone else, not even close, except for Gail. And we talk just the same,. The girl who sat there with her bare feet being nuzzled by the once shy little introvert glared a sly grin at the other girls, their shoes slipping out of their heels on cue as they all began to close in on Bunbun, rubbing her butt with their bare feet, sliding under her top as they touched her bare skin, pushing that top out of the way as they got comfortable on her back and stomach. "I hope you know why you're here now Bunbun, you must understand what your true calling is by now, riiightt? Carrots. You love carrots, don't you Bunbun..? Look at all our carrots, look how they wiggle and slide in the air, I know you want to taste every last one, and you will, don't worry But don't you want more? You do. You want so, SO much more, small carrots, big carrots, you want to lick and suck them all, for us.." The other girls couldn't help but giggle as they tore Bunbun's top off, their feet now stepping up her back and on to her neck, a pair fit snugly on her left cheek, and another on the.
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