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But the house that gets 3rd place gets punished less. The people in the 3rd place house are not selected to be put in the Glory hole area. Since they are still punished it is also every person for themselves. This means that the dorms of the 3rd place house are also unlocked but only during the days. The people in the 3rd place house are allowed to have the night time to themselves unless they are in the middle of being fucked. If they are being fucked the session is allowed to be finished and then they can go to their dorm for the night. The "hiders rule" also applies to them which forfeits the dorm locking rule for that week.The Second place house is also punished but also rewarded. The life of the 2nd place house is a little different compared to the others, since they are being punished and rewarded its they get both sides of the coin. Now they for their reward they are allowed to have access to the Glory hole area after 5 days. They are allowed to use it as they please for the. It tends to restrain too early development of the sexual instinct both in small girls and small boys.Sexual self-abuse in girlsSmall girls, like small boys, display an intelligent curiosity as regards the phenomena of sex at an early age. And what has already been said regarding its improper gratification in the preceding chapter, so far as boys are concerned, applies with equal force to them. In their case, however, the mother is a girl's natural confidant and friend. Self-abuse in one or another form is as common in the case of the girl as in that of the boy. As a rule, girls who live an outdoor life, and work with their muscles more than their mind, do not develop undue precocious sexual curiosities or desires. At least they do not do so to the same extent as those more nervously and susceptibly constituted. The less delicate and sensitive children of the country tend less to these habits than their more sensitively organized city brothers and sisters. Girls who have formed.
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