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“See. Now, you don’t have to do it just now, or even this week. Just so long as you do,” Liz said.“I will. Now, what’s this about Michael and Tess?” Max asked.“You never noticed how they are together? There’s definitely something going on, and Tess probably wants him just as badly,” Liz said before she yawned.“Sleepy? I know you didn’t sleep much last night,” Max said.“Yeah, too worried about mom and dad,” Liz said.“Me too. But you need to rest. They can take care of themselves, they’re strong and your dad...” Max said as he cupped the side of her face.“Scares the hell out of you is what he does,” Liz said.“Hell yes,” Max said.Liz smiled.“They’ll be okay Liz, I know it,” Max said.“So do I,” Liz said. “I just wish I knew they were okay now instead of having to wait.”“Yeah,” Max said. “We just have to wait.”Throne Chamber, Vampire Temple, Under New York City, 09:00 the Next MorningIn the main chamber of the temple, Andrei was overseeing a fairly important event for his little group. On. On her way home her coat didn’t want to stay on her lap, it kept slipping open and exposing her thighs all the way up to above he stockings. She finally resolved that nobody could see her in her car, so she let it fall where it may. That was what she thought until she pulled up next to a delivery truck and saw the driver looking at her legs. He winked politely and blew her a kiss as the light changed and they went their separate ways. Her with a slight blush and him with a smile on his face. However she left the coat open and finished her trip home. This time when she got home, she waited until she got into her bedroom before reaching down between her legs for relief. It didn’t take long for her to have another massive orgasm and lay panting on the bed reveling in the fantastic feelings that ran rampant though her body. Two hours later she awoke in the same position that she had dosed off in. She instantly became aware of the air in the room drifting across her body, and every little.
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