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I remembered the moment I saw Harry’s head between a stranger’s naked thighs. I remembered the argument that followed and every hurtful word said that night. I remembered the scent of burnt out candles in the air. Would it now remind me of Nate and a night which could never happen between us? I didn’t sleep. A movie was playing in my head and it starred Nate. Nate and the husky tenor of his voice, the movement of his fingers across the strings of a guitar, his laugh low in my ear, stirring the hair against my neck, and his hands and his mouth, both hot as they traversed my skin. I bit back a moan of frustration. I shouldn’t have come here this morning. I shouldn’t have let myself be alone with him. I shouldn’t have gotten stranded by the storm. I really shouldn’t have kissed him. It would be easier if nothing had happened between us. That way I could leave in the morning and we could treat each other as we always had. Instead I let myself slip into doing something reckless. I. Tracy hardly looked herself, dressed up and ready for the night. And Mel didn’t mind.The conversation was slow and easy all the way up to the restaurant, though there was one point when he asked her to get off her phone, to stop doing whatever she was doing (texting and reading social media) and she did, but Tracy also made a comment about Mel being as bad as her mother. That shut him up, but she did put her phone away.At the restaurant, with every piece of tender T-bone he put into his mouth, he could hear and see people reacting to the beauty that was Tracy. Not that she noticed, or rather she chose not to notice, seemingly happy to pick through her salad, talk about the day, and ask more about his work, his life, his likes. Mel was smart enough to not take her interest too seriously, stopping himself at the ten-minute marker when talking about the Chevy he was trying to fix up, and consciously following a list of topics he thought he could get Tracy to talk about. And overall, it.
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