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I ran my other hand up her exposed thigh and between her classy legs. She gasped again but opened herself up for me and leant closer. As I reached her crotch, she whispered one word to me... "Where". I stood carefully and replied "meeting room 5". Elaine and I walked together, saying nothing. This was going to be risky. Work colleagues everywhere. The only saving grace was the relative lack of people in the office because it was a day after the Bank Holiday and more people than usual were off. She followed me into Meeting Room 5 and I lowered the metal blinds. I gently pushed Elaine to a sitting position on the meeting room table and she obliged by pulling the grey dress over her thighs. We kissed for what felt like minutes and I worked my fingers into her panties and felt the pressure of her tights as my fingers worked her wet labia.Elaine used her hands to push my two fingers deep into her vagina. Her juices felt slick against me as I worked my fingers in and out. Elaine unzipped. "He is still inside me but not as hard as he was, but I have him for the whole night I'm sure he can fill my pussy again. Oh I've never in my life wanted to 'fuck' as he calls it so much, I want him to do it again and again until I'm so raw I can't sit.I could feel her vaginal walls throbbing as if trying to keep my cock inside, preventing me removing it. I was going to fuck Else again but not in the missionary position I want her on her hands and knees doggy fashion. This was one of the ways I liked best, the other was with the woman on top, for I loved watching them as they thrust themselves down on my cock.I eased back and my cock just flopped out of her pussy. I now had a chance to really have a good look at her. It wasn't the most dignified position a woman could be in with her lying on her back and her legs splayed out either side of my knees. One thing she had the neatest looking pussy, I hated to see flaps of pink skin hanging out as I've seen on some of the women I'd fucked..
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