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I sat down on her living room couch, a very comfy couch I might add, and waited for her to come back with my drink. About two minutes later, she had come back, wearing her thin white shirt, that left little to the imagination, especially because her breasts are so large that parts of them came out the top of her shirt, with my drink and one for herself, and sat down next to me. "There you go baby." She handed me my drink, and I took it. The second it was on my lips she spoke again. "Don't drink too fast, it's so hot today, drinking something that cold will give you a headache." I smiled at that, she reminded me of my mom, and my mom ain't so bad of a person, I mean, why the hell would my family ask me to stay far away from her when she's such a nice lady? I started to drink then and she took a sip herself. "So, tell me about yourself honey, we've been so far away you and I that I seem to barely know you..." She put her hand on my thigh, which made me stop drinking and stare at her.. I knew from the history books that the British high command still firmly believed that they had everything under control and they would soon solve this lack of loyalty problem with the American Patriots by crushing Washington like a bug beneath their boots.Of course, the logistics were definitely in the British favor at that point with them having overwhelming superior forces, well-armed and with vast stores of ammunition and powder as well as plentiful cannon to insure victory on an open field of battle. As an outside observer, it was easy for me to spot their basic error which was to underestimate the Rebel tactics of hit and run and to constantly pick at their forces from hiding as they either advanced or retreated whichever the case might be.I had decided to stay away from the entire General Arnold, Major Andre related West Point debacle because it was so essentially unnecessary and a sad ending to a brave officer’s reputation. Of course, Major Andre was executed as a spy for.
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