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Then you reach up to the waistband and urgently yank down my briefs to my ankles. As I watch looking down at you with your hands till on my briefs I see my throbbing cock standing at attention to your tantalizing beauty. And nw it comes to me what I must do for a beauty such as you. As I reach down to lift you up to stand before me in such admirable beauty I whisper, “Tonight it’s all you Angel,” as I turn you around to face the couch. And as you turn around I tell you, “Baby put your knees on the edge of the sofa and lean and hold the back so I can do what you so much deserve and desire. I am going to make that firm prefect ass of your to know who I am.” And I hear you moan in anticipation and I reach down to the back of your knees and run my hands up to that tantalizing sweet ass of yours. I run my hands all over your sweet ass and lightly rubbing I see goose bumps rise all over your body. At this time I feel precum dripping from the head of my throbbing cock. So I step forward and. Jones.”I picked up the phone and dialled 9. A female voice answered, “Kitchen.”I asked, “Amanda Hargreaves, please?”“Speaking. Who are you? I don’t recognise the voice.”“Madam, I am Jeeves, the new butler. I shall make your acquaintance shortly, but I wished to know the pattern of meals today. Is there afternoon tea or not?”“Oh, no, sir. Afternoon tea has never been served here in my experience. Dinner is scheduled for six p.m. with supper at nine for those that want it.”“Thank you, madam. Who serves the meals, as a rule?”“My assistant and I normally do so, sir. You being a butler, is that what you would wish to do?”“I can see we are going to get along, Mrs. Hargreaves. You know the correct routine. May I join you today, and we can serve together, so that I can observe the past routine at mealtimes? That is not to criticise, madam. I merely wish to observe and inform myself, so that we do not disrupt the family expectations at mealtimes. If we decide that alterations are advisable, I.
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