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Then he reached over to the wall toward the one-way mirror adjustment, but Dale snapped at him.“Get your hand off of that control, Jenkins! I plan to observe their behavior very closely.”With that Myers unzipped his fly and sat down in one of the chairs.“I suggest you all do too,” he added.Lana already had her hand discreetly in her pants and didn’t need to be told twice.Raven’s shock didn’t wear off by itself, instead she had found her mind yanked away of this unfamiliar body. She became an observer, unable to control her movements or voice. This wasn’t entirely a bad thing, because it prevented her body from going in to a full-on panic attack and the crying, gasping for air, and loss of consciousness that might have followed.Not being in control of her limbs or even her breathing, Raven started to feel like she was floating off the table and into the air. Her perspective receded upwards and she watched as her arms started to raise and lower themselves.Her sense of calm was. 04.2922:. The news blips that matter:Tensions run high at Merchant House stabilization meeting: The continuing spate of terrorist attacks across the Federation have caused tensions to rise in a hastily convened meeting on Terra to discuss effects on trade between Merchant Houses. While a “We’re all in this together” mantra was expected to be the theme of the meeting, with Merchant House representatives hoping to announce new trade deals to steady the House’s morale, the meeting reportedly dissolved into squabbles between regional cliques, as unsubstantiated accusations of involvement in the ongoing attacks marred discussion. While House spokesmen said that discussions were ongoing and that the finger-pointing would not get in the way of “Much needed House discussions”, one House representative who spoke on the condition of anonymity was significantly bleaker in his view. “It’s like a room full of people pointing guns at each other. You don’t want to be the first one to pull the.
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