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" "That's just a dream of ours," Mom said. "First we need to buy a house and it must meet with all of our wishes. We talked to Holly and she will take you to see these final three houses. We like them all equally, but we want your input. It might sway us in our final decision. Dad and I know that if we are with you, you will be swayed by what we like and want. That is why Dad and I won't be with you. You take your time and look at all three. Holly will show them to you just like she did to us. Would you like to do that?" Would I? Hell yes! I think it is great that Mom and Dad trust me so much that they want me to help them with the final decision. "Mom, Dad, I thank you for letting me help. I would like nothing better." Dad picked up his cell and called Holly. "Javon wants to look at the houses also. He is a big influence on his mother and I. We want him to be happy with our choices." There was a pause because Holly was talking to Dad. "Sure, I'll ask him right now." "Son, would you. Matt was shuffling his hips around causing the bulge in his pants to brush up against Liz. Ummm... The involuntary moan came out before she had a chance to cover her mouth. “You ok sis.” “y.. y… ya.” Liz said. Trying to cover up the moans, that were now coming out of her mouth. “Man did you get your underwear wet when you were in the shower.” I said, an evil grin o his face. “Wha… What.” Well it’s just that your underwear is pretty wet. It was true, Liz’s pussy was dripping from all the contact with her brothers cock. “I don’t know what your talking about.” Liz quickly replied. “Well ok.” It was time to move things along. Moving his hands to his sides, I quickly unbuttoned his pant’s. Pushing down his underwear, so his dick was now out. Quickly he slid his sister back on his lap, so that she was now positioned on his dick. What, what is that. Thought Liz. She could feel something pushing up against her, but…… “What do you think it is.” “I, I, this is wrong were.
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