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Normally I have perfect control over my penis when I am in class. I have never been embarrassed by an undesired erection. Today I desired one and it responded beautifully.I was standing in front of the class with my arms behind my back. The students were doing detailed studies of my torso and abdomen. Some were using pen and ink, some pencils, others charcoal. Seemingly, from out of the blue my cock began to rise. At first it was barely noticeable, but the longer I thought of nude women or of some of my sexual escapades from the past the quicker the blood flowed into it. About a quarter the way up some people in the class stopped drawing and stared at it. Halfway up most eyes in the class were on it. A few students were engrossed in their work and were missing the show. They were given nudges by their neighbors to look up from their easels. Finally, my penis was fully erect. When erect it's about nine inches long and very thick. It has a nice banana like curve to it.The classroom was. . yeah, fuck you too. Night, night. Kisses."After hanging up, he laughed heartily at the thought of the shit-fit Max was sure to be throwing. Briefly, he wondered where Max would be hiding out during the storm. The Driscol girl had proven a difficult adversary, but she had yet to face Max's army when they were ready for her. The Sheriff had nothing but disdain for the mercenaries, but he had to admit that they were top notch killers. If she tried to resist, she was a goner.Well, she was a goner either way, he chuckled to himself. Mitch would not forgive the punch to the face. He only wished he could have seen the spectacle. If only she had punched Max, Tom would have given her a free ride out of town.Warner finished the cigar at a leisurely pace and poured another snifter of bourbon. The combination of nicotine and the warm burn of alcohol put him in a pleasant mood. The falling snow grew heavier, and with great reluctance, he dragged himself from the warm hot tub. Tom walked barefoot.
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