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I used to kid her, when I grew much taller than she is.I let my hand caress her cheek, feeling her press her face against my hand as I stroked her skin. I leaned in close so that I could whisper into her ear. “I’ll tell you a secret Bhabhi. You really were my wife in my fantasies. She turned her face so that her lips were close to my ear. ”I whispered back into her ear. “And did I please you? Did I make you feel as special as you really are to me?”This time, I could hear Bhabhi’s breathing. “Mmmm! Yes you did bobby. I would only do that when my hubby was gone, because you would make me cry out so loud when you pleased me. I could feel my dick beginning to grow hard in my pants. Bhabhi’s breathing had grown even harsher and louder in my ear. I slipped my hand up to her neck and began to softly rub her there. Bhabhi moaned into my neck. “Bobby. Love me the way that no man had ever loved any female. I needed that so badly.”My hands slipped down and I felt her breast. I was surprised. I grabbed her hips with both hands again and slowly slid the length of my shaft into her bowels. As I began to analy rape the teenager she grunted and fresh tears streamed down her face but she didn’t so much as yelp. She must have really thought she would survive the day.The idea of sodomy really gets me going and I had to work hard not to cum into the girl right away. I began to slide in and out of her ass in a slow but steady rhythm. She couldn’t help but vocalize as the pain of being ass-fucked without lube was pretty severe. Little cries of ‘ah’ and ‘oh’ and even ‘ouch’ were emitting from the girl as I raped her.I felt myself building to my second orgasm. ?You’ve been very nice to me, letting me fuck your ass and all, but I’ve got a confession.? I said as I continued to pound into the poor girl. ?I can’t take you home with me, there’s just too much chance of you getting away and telling on me.? She began to panic and tried to stand up and push me off of her but I was ready and.
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