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She sighed deeply and quivered against him, drinking in the heat of his body. She fell with a whimper as Dominic finally released her body. Her mind barely registered that he was not trying to finish what they, he, had started but was adjusting his suit. She tried to sit up as her body continued to shake in pleasure. He turned to look at her, eyes daring her to move. ‘I am not even close to being done with you, Lisa, your body craves mine, so don’t bother denying it. However, as much as I want to bury myself inside of you, this is not the way. Am giving you one week, one week for you to find the position your father is in and accept my proposition before I decide to take over all the business.’ ‘Just leave, I beg you,’ Lisa pleaded, curling into a ball on the bed and crying her soul out, as she heard her front door close. How could she have let him have his way with her! He had pleasured her and won. She was giving him all the reasons to actually believe she was a slut that he. Still firm, albeit there was a bit of sag. She briefly considered the sunspots between the two lobes, the result of many days she and Jamey spent on the beach. Her hand slid lower and she rubbed her abdomen lightly. No stretch marks. She was lucky. When she realised she was pregnant all those years ago she took it upon herself to take the best care possible for her body. Fortunately, due to early signs, she also took great care in not getting knocked up again. ‘The cunt,’ she reflected, ‘as soon as I was pregnant he decided to get some on the side. More than ten years he managed to keep it under wraps. Until, that is, the day he decided to fuck his secretary in the bed he shared with me.’ Laura pulled a face. Good riddance. Not many weeks after she caught them red handed, the little redhead’s head bobbing up and down her husband’s almost-hard cock, they were divorced. Had they been careful and not opted for a second round, they might have gotten away with it. James was well under.
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