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I leaned back and let out a moan as I now I got to enjoy my fiancés mouth on my cock. I brushed her hair off her face so the two of us could enjoy the sight of her working her magic on my cock.I glanced at the guy sitting next to me and told him he was free to enjoy her big tits. His hands shot up to my fiancés tits. He groped her tits, squeezing them and tugging on her nipples as she ran her lips up and down on my hard, throbbing shaft.“Damn you are lucky. You have the best fucking fiancé.” I fondled Nadia’s tits as well. I turned to the guy, “I bet Nadia is very wet. Why don’t you check that out?”He released his lustful hold from my fiancés tits and moved his hands to her jeans. He quickly unbuttoned and then unzipped her pants. He slid one hand down her jeans. I watched his hand slip down to her crotch. Nadia let out a moan so I knew he got her pussy.“Nadia is soaking wet. Fuck, you are lucky. You have fiancé with nice big tits, she swallows cum and she has a nice. Tell me Tim, what you want to do to my ass.” With Amy’s sexy green eyes staring at me, and her right hand clasping my cock, I began to tell her what I have wanted to for so many months. “Well Amy, you know how much I love your body, and how horny you make me. I have never done anal sex before with anyone, and never really thought about it. But you have the perfect ass. I have begun watching anal porn and how they do different things and to be honest, I want to try them with you. Really, I want to fuck you up your ass." Amy sat for a moment, taking in what I had just told her. She finally said, “Tim, you know how much I love your body, and how I literally ache for your cock. Ever since I have noticed you starting to pay more attention to my ass, I have been curious too. I actually have also been watching anal porn as well. I want to totally give myself over to you, to be totally intimate with you, and for you to lust for me. I have never done anal sex with anyone before, and I want.
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