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I was one of those girls who really adored the throb and pulse of my boyfriend's cum shooting into my mouth, it gave me such a sense of power and control, I loved it, still do.So, this brings us up to the day in question; Greg and I were in his room sitting at his computer. I'm not sure if his mom had ever put any porn-blockers on his computer but if they had, he'd figured out how to get around them. So we were sitting there at his computer, his mother was somewhere downstairs, and his sister came in and sat on his bed.I'll need to tell you about Sierra, his sister. She was thirteen and really cute. About five-two and maybe a hundred pounds, she had short blond hair she usually kept in a ponytail, and she was well into getting a figure. Her boobs were nice for a seventh-grader, I'd guess B-cup, nearly the size of mine."You two looking at porn again?" she asked."Yeah, come on over, sit next to Melissa if you wanna see," he told her so I scooted over to give her room.Greg had gotten up. Instead I caressed her back until I reached her face and I cupped her cheek. She closed her eyes passionately and kissed my palm as her hips began rocking faster. With a gasp and cry of pleasure she bit lightly into my palm. Her moans were uncontrollable and she tried to muffle herself in my hand. The sense of driving her to this sensation only turned me on more, and I was sure that she could feel me growing inside of her. She sat up and leaned back. When she did it was more than my body could take. As she braced her hand against my leg I was given a full view of her magnificent figure. It was never more mesmerizing than it was when she was dancing, her muscles flexed and relaxed and accentuated her perfect form. And now it did the same on top of me and for the sole purpose of pleasing me. I ran my hand against her breast and she pumped harder against me. I felt her nipple and ran it through my fingers and she let out a moan. Combined with the sliding of my cock in and out of her I.
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