Locked In Chastity mp4 porn

I used to go over to my friends house and we would experiment. I enjoyed it a lot. But sooner or later, as I knew would happen he grew out of it, and for a while I thought I had too. But then they started up again when I was sixteen. I always loved tits and pussy, and always will. But there was something else I was longing for. Something long! I loved masturbating to threesomes with two really big dicks doing a barely legal woman, I just loved the way dicks looked. I really wanted to suck one too, I tried to subtly hint to my friend one night that I wanted his cock in my mouth. But it never worked. Right after watching Road Trip, after the scene where the nurse hit’s the guys prostate, I knew I had to try it. So I went my sister’s room. I knew she had a vibrator, it was the perfect size, about as long as my cock, not as thick though, but that was okay because I knew my virgin asshole wasn’t ready for something as thick as a real cock. I got a hard on just thinking about finally. I thought I was more in tune with her. Then Cassie came back to town and Christy and Bob are divorcing. And then there was the limousine fantasy two weeks ago. What an unmitigated disaster!She didn't even apologize. Heck she barely acknowledged that the evening happened. Every time he'd tried to talk to her about it, she frowned and changed the subject. Something was going on here that Darren wasn't happy with. One thing he was sure of, though, he was spending the night here alone. This would be the first time since they were married that he wouldn't be sleeping with his wife. Well, as long as you don't count the nights when one or the other of us was away. It sucked!Darren lay back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. His thoughts kept going back to that Saturday night. What would have happened if he hadn't gone inside? What if Cassie hadn't stepped up and pushed the trio out of the club? What was going on? Why was Cassie the sober one? She'd always been the party girl of the trio..
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