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I think they’ll be OK with that, since we have no living relatives other than each other. Christmas is a pretty simple affair at my house. Since it’s the day after tomorrow, I’m going to try to get them to let me stay here until then, if you think that will be OK with your folks.’ ‘It’s definitely OK,’ Tara said. She took my hand and led me into a small room off the great room where there was a telephone. ‘Do you want to be alone to call them?’ ‘No, I wish you would stay,’ I answered. ‘Do I have to keep my hands to myself? Do I have to keep my clothes on?’ Tara asked. ‘For the moment, yes. I need to be able to form coherent sentences, and you would make that impossible.’ My Mom answered on the second ring. ‘Seth, honey, are you OK? We’ve been worried sick about you. A man called early this morning and told us you were staying at a friend’s house, and then her father called and talked to your Dad and said you were fine, but we really wanted to hear your voice.’ ‘I’m fine, Mom. It’s. She arrived a little late but hoped that Mrs. Marsdale was sufficiently flexible to tolerate tardiness.Nina Marsdale stood framed in the doorway in answer to the doorbell, a radiant smile on her lips, her beautiful, oriental eyes accented, tastefully, dominated a doll-like face. The Chinese woman was much shorter than Alyce, perfectly proportioned and she stood with the animal grace of the exotic dancer she was before marrying Clay Marsdale. She moved toward Alyce to an inner rhythm of her own, her body under complete control, projecting an image of the completely realized woman, fulfilled, self-confident and madly in love with life. She spoke with a warm, throaty, softly modulated voice, her slight Oriental accent charming but her English was cultured and correct."Oh Alyce, you look lovely today. You really have a great tan... come in." Thank you, Nina," Alyce said following her in.Nina steered her expertly among the women gathered in small groups, introducing her graciously to.
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