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There is an hotel here in Pune where she comes everyday with her friends and I try and coincide the time from my business to go there everyday for coffee so that I can get to see her and admire the beauty. I know she knows I am staring at her like crazy as she used to always catch me looking at her but never smiled or gave me any positive sign to approach her. Then one day what luck, she had come to my store with her architect as she was making a new home and the architect is our client he brought her to the store and I was dumb struck. I did not know how to react and prayed she would not tell anything to my client as he was a very high profile architect and gave me lots of business.We acted unknown to each other which was also true in a way. She was looking so hot in a blue ¾ jeans or capris and a tight top which was sleeveless. Her back was also very nice as The top was low.She had a butterfly tattoo on her neck and it was looking so sweet. I was dreaming of kissing it to my hearts. When I looked in the area around the trees, I found that Michael was taking shelter behind the trees.”‘What did you find that suggested that to you?” She asked me.I paused for a moment to collect my thoughts and then spoke. “Daddy was very scrupulous about some things. His weapons and ammunition were one of them. He’d try many different brands of ammunition until he found one that shot the way he wanted it to and that would be all he’d carry in his pistols and rifles,”“You found shell casings of his brand?” My mistress asked me.“He always carried a small bag in his work truck that held extra ammunition for his work rifle and carry pistol. There was enough expended ammunition to tell me that he went through all of it and then fought hand to hand with the attackers. He died in that first place I found.” She told me. “When I cast a spell to look for someone using magic, it led me almost 2 miles farther into the forest to a clearing that had been burned for 50 yards in every.
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