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Fingers touched her ear, and, laughing, she shook her head to frustrate his attempted attack. Jay was lively today, definitely attentive and aware of all that was around him. Even as she watched, his eyes darted over her shoulder, blinking fast. Something very interesting was probably happening behind her horse. Should she look? Yes, she should.Heather rode a horse length behind her, Ben perched in front of the blonde. The boy, dressed in the same outfit from the day before, looked as uncomfortable at the closeness as Heather did. He clutched the pommel of the saddle with both hands, the heels of his bare feet trying to find purchase on the smooth hide of the animal. Cathy had held that position before, when the trio had been reduced to one or two beasts of burden. Now the princess rode next to them, failing to hide her total infatuation with the boy.A small hand grabbed the edge of Sam's ear. Laughing, she turned, pushing her nose again into her son's face. He had tricked her! Such. “Who do you recommend to take over from Stewart at the MoD? Hudd?”“No sir. You could do worse than move Mark Harrison from DTI.”“Harrison? Don’t know much about him. Seems capable though. Wasn’t he the one that came up through local politics on the south coast somewhere?”“Yes sir. Portsmouth I think. He was an early supporter.”Thorn nodded decisively. “Good.” Boase silently exulted. Harrison was a close ally of Boase’s. He hadn’t got Defence directly, but Harrison would do what Boase asked. “Okay,” continued Thorn, “now who goes to Trade and Industry?”“You’ll have to promote someone I think. Bill Stewart might have ideas on that, as might Mark Harrison himself. His own junior minister, perhaps?”“Who is?”Boase pretended to scratch his chin in puzzled thought. “Not sure sir.” In fact it was another Boase ally, so he hoped Thorn would ask Harrison’s opinion. ‘Must make sure I talk to Harrison first,’ thought Boase. ‘That would give me effective control of three ministries.’ Boase wasn’t.
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