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Anyway, Billy had gotten his growth early and already stood 6'3" and weighed in at 225. Coaches knew what they had and "red shirted" him during the next to the last week of football season in 7th grade. Billy was smart and knew because of the red shirt rule; he'd get to play another season. It was like that 7th grade season never happened. That is how he ended up in the same classes as me. I helped him with class work, especially math, and we were sorta friends. He sauntered over to the two boys, yanked the barrel out of their hands and threw it. Better than any shot putter, the barrel sailed 15 yards before striking the ground. He then picked up the surprised teens, one in each hand and hauled them off me. He looked them both in the eyes and explained to them I was off limits. He told them to spread the word. After that, I was safe at school (and everywhere else for that matter). I did finish out near the top of our class (Monahans, TX class of 1967. Class song "We Gotta Get Out of. Len struck first. ‘So you decided to have an evening at a Strip Club?’ ‘Yes.’ I replied. ‘Go often?’ She was sounding like my mother who had interrogated me often on what I had been up to. ‘First time.’ I admitted. ‘Of all the joints, in all the world, you had to come into mine.’ She drawled like Humphrey Bogart. Then she asked the killer question. ‘Why?’ ‘Because I wanted to see what a real live woman looked like in the nude.’ She sat back in her chair with a look of shock on her face. ‘But Danny, you said you were married!’ I had to explain that which I was coming to believe, were the peculiar circumstances of my marriage. Len could not believe it. ‘You poor bugger!’ I was shamefaced. Len went on. ‘It doesn’t sound to me as if you have much of a marriage.’ Now perhaps I knew that already, but I wasn’t going to allow others to comment on my marital circumstances. ‘Oh, and as you are not married, you’re the expert?’ She saw the anger in my face and backed off. She reached.
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