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.. Maybe it's time for a vacation.Who to take with me though... Lis and Anna are tied up with College, Tiffany is tied up with Xanthos Industries — though Kat would probably be free, Amy might be interested, though she may prefer to stick with Tif, Angie will probably want to go, as will her mom, and I haven't known Mei long enough to guess at her choice.Later that night, I discussed the idea with the kittens.I was close to being right about who would be joining me. Lis, Anna, and Tif decided to stay, while the rest (five kittens) would be joining me."Okay. That decided, I've got some ideas for the trip, but I'm open to suggestions," I said.Ideas and counter ideas flew all over the place until I had a good idea of what my kittens were interested in. A little later that evening, I worked up a rough seven-thousand-mile-plus itinerary.A few days later, the six of us were packed into my Fleetwood Eagle and on the road.The first stop was Six-Flags in Georgia where the younger kittens and I. Katie grabbed her purse and dead cell phone from the front seat of her car and slid into the passenger side of Jakes Mazda. As they drove back to the gas station they exchanged pleasantries. Katie told Jake about her job as a marketing executive in the city, and Jake told her about his job as professor of medieval warfare at the university. She told him about the craziness of the day and how all she wanted to do was relax for a bit, he told her about the god awful writing some of his students submitted and even quoted a couple of notably bad phrases students used. By the time they had reached the gas station Katies stress had melted away. She was laughing and enjoying Jakes company. Not only had he lent a much appreciated hand in the middle of the night, but he had also solved her stress problem. As Jake pulled into the gas station, Katie put a hand on his thigh I will only be a minuet, do you think you could wait with me until the tow-truck gets here? Absolutely darling he grabbed.
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