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.." she mewled, "please Chief no more, no more... I can't... I can't..." she begged. Then she felt him raise his heavy weight off her, his hands pressing her shoulders tightly to the davenport-cushions, his widespread knees forcing her thighs wider apart, until the blood-engorged head slipped further into her pressing hard against her cervix... and then, slowly, he began to rub in and out of her, picking up speed as he worked, at last buffeting her whole body back and forth like a rag-doll beneath him while he fucked furiously into her.His fingers began to trace a pattern on her face now, over her sensitive mouth feeling her lips drawn back over her teeth. He looked down and heard her emit incoherent little whimpers from deep in her throat as he continued to caress her neck as his rampaging cock battered against her tender womb, and her blonde hair cascading wildly over the cushions. God! she was beautiful!That punk Holden could never give her what I'm giving her now, he thought to. ~Would literally bursting through my skin create a more terrifying gore than the scene I’m in now? Maybe if I could burst on cue, right in front of the onlookers.~ Oddly, the morbid thought helped her steady her breath, these images lighter and easier to handle than what was really happening. She wasn’t afraid of what he might do to her, physically. She didn’t doubt that, in this moment, he wanted her as much as she did him. What weighed heavily on her mind, she realized in a sudden flash of clarity, was that this would change everything. Her best friend would become something else. No turning back. She had a choice. She could cower away in an attempt to keep their friendship out of danger. ~Things hadn’t gone so far that they couldn’t recover, right?~ Or she could be brave and rush forth in what could be a foolish moved based on lust and little else. Her body was already hungry, starving for the next step. Any sort of middle ground she imagined she knew would be a fiction. * * * * *.
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