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I put my other hand on top of her arm as we just sat there while the other passengers were busy grabbing all of their stuff and getting off the plane. Nobody paid any attention to us sitting there waiting for her to calm down a little.While still consoling her, I watched the last of the passenger's walk off the plane to the terminal. Then I said to her in a soothing way, "You're ready." When I saw a slight nod, we both got up and walked out as the crew thanked us for flying with them.As we both walked through the terminal, I think it was the first time since I stripped that I wasn't thinking about my nudity, only about hers. We headed for the nearest restroom, which was still a 'Females'.Once inside, she finally calmed down a little and looked up at me and said, "Thanks". And Then she looked down at my foot and said with a smile, "What do you want to do with that mark on your foot," I just smiled back as I walked to the sink and started washing it off as she got up and walked to the. While he worked on the new weapons, he continued to think about where he was and the strange way he felt. He explored his mind, if that is the right word, and tried to identify his new feeling of capability. Several times he felt as if he pushed something with his mind or transmitted a thought or desire via mind. He thought about laying his hands on the injuries and seeing within his patients as he directed the healing. All this was so new and exciting to him, yet he wasn’t sure if he believed what happened or even if he wanted to believe it.His charges watched him with deep curiosity. They accepted his rifle and pistol as magic and unknown to him considered him not only Shaman but Medicine Man and Chief as well. This was not a normal thing for them either. These individuals were normally different people and not normally as considerate as was John. The feelings coming from him and their observation of his mental abilities made them worship him almost as a God.John was further.
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