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The timestamps in the recordings showed that they were having meals two or even three times together in one day. I feel lucky if I’m able to get Jane to sit down for a meal every other day. I felt utterly humiliated.I know what you’re thinking. I know that a healthy relationship functions on multiple levels and that a man should never consider his worth to be entirely tied to his skills as a chef. But since seeing that video, I cannot think of anything else when I am around Jane. We have eaten together twice since then, and all I could think about was how much she probably wished she was eating with one of her past chef gods, a man who knows how to penetrate every facet of her culinary desires, who has a complete arsenal of sharp knives and spices, a much bigger wok than mine, a man who brings such succulent mussels to the table any moment she’s slightly appetized. I had considered myself to be quite a chef before - not the best in the world, but someone who could at least dish out. Then I slept happily and thought doing this once a week atleast. Next day I woke up late and had my breakfast and day was normal in the evening aunt called me and said there is an girls party in her friends house and she was going there and asked if I would come and told if you want to come you need dress like a girl , immediately I said yes happily , I ran into bed room choosen myself a dress and got ready aunt has seen me said your looking very pretty I blushed . we went to the party I enjoyed dressing up like girl being a girl, we returned home and got refreshed I got into my shorts and was watching tv sating on the crouch, aunt has been into her room then she called me into room . she was sitting on the bed she asked me sit beside her she kissed me on my forehead and asked me do you like dressing up as a girl I thought for a minute and said yes , she asked 'what happened on the last day of our tour tell me truth I wont say any one , then I opened up and said that I had sex with.
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