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I was totally innocent but some threads in the investigation pointed at me with some circumstantial evidence that made me look guilty. I cooperated up to a certain point and then got a shyster lawyer from ex-wife's legal team to insulate me from further harassment. One of the detectives saw me nosing around the garage area and gave me the eagle eye but I decided to let the whole thing go and bill the insurance company for services rendered.It was an article in the San Francisco Examiner that caught my eye about some cult preying on girls in the Big Sur area with a photo of several disheveled lovelies sitting on the grass with glazed eyes. One of them was my beloved "Julie" looking several years older but still with that innocent look in her eyes.I headed off to the county courthouse located near Monterey and found out that the girls had all been bailed out by some organization called "Freedom Flowers". Nobody seemed to know anything about the case not even the jerk prosecuting it. "Why don't you come on down to BBC house and me and my brothas will see if you have what it takes." Wow! Really? I-I don't know what to say! Thank you!" Finally, I was being accepted by these cool jocks. Jamal simply smirked and walked away. All I could think about for the rest of the day was joining these guys and finally turning my life around. Finally, when classes ended, I went directly to BBC house. The huge stone brick building sat before me. Plastered on the outside of the building were huge posters and signs that read such things as: 'Death To The White Man' and 'Niggas Rule!'. As scared as I was about these signs, I knew I had to enter. This was the only fraternity that had ever even considered accepting me into their fold.Right as I entered through the door, I was met by a huge black guy leaning against the wall."What the fuck are you doing here, honky?" He yelled, making me jump slightly."I...I...I was invited here. J-Jamal said I could join your fraternity." I couldn't.
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