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” “Well it is Sunday, and I don’t know any Tuesday Wells.” Said Farty Jimbo“Well I guess we haven’t met yet, but we will. It was hard getting a hold of you.” Said Tuesday Wells. “I know this all must sound very strange, but I need you to listen and trust me.”“This DOES sound very strange. What do you mean we haven’t met yet and it was very hard getting a hold of me?” asked Farty Jimbo“Well, what is the date there?” asked Tuesday”“What the fuck do you mean what is the date here? It’s the same as the date there”“I seriously doubt that, Jimbo” said Tuesday. “I woke up this morning in a strange room. When I got out of bed, I realized I wasn’t wearing a thong like I always am. I was wearing a pair of granny panties. I haven’t worn underwear like that since my mother bought my clothes. I noticed all the furnishings in the room looked new, but old fashioned. I went and got a paper and its Thursday November 21, 1963 here, and I’m in Dallas Texas!”“Really? That means JFK will be assassinated. Ivan Matheson though was less impressed. "The things I do for a pretty woman," he growled rather loudly as his dildo was lubricated and the girl pushed two gloved fingers up his arse before she slowly and carefully forced the dildo home.Once the imitation penises were properly in place the strapping was tightened up to hold them in place. This time with the height difference the girl just wrapped the cloth around Ivan's calves before attaching the cord while the guy produced yet another leather strap and placed it around their waists before tightening it. And then they were ready, or at least Sally was.Bill had had no idea at that point whether Ivan had been ready as ready, but no sooner were they in position than Sally, who was facing forward, quickly used her dominant position to force them off the platform. To cries of "OH FUCK!" and "OH YES!!" from Sally and "YOU FUUCCCKKKKIIIIINNNNNNG BIITTTCCCCHHHHH and "FUUCCCKKKK MEE!" and "WOW" and "JESUS AITCH FUCKING CHRIST!!" from Ivan.
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