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But, feeling the heat of his semen in my womb... feeling like a woman, I didn't care. I found myself on my hands and knees with his cock in my mouth, tasting our juices, feeling him harden again. I wanted him to moan, to talk about how good my mouth felt. And I wanted her to hear. I don't know if it was rebellion, or competition, or what... but something inside me wanted out. For her to hear, and know. I'd been a sexual creature far longer than she knew, and I always thought it was a big secret... but now I felt the need to hint at it. I took his hardness out of my mouth, and crawled on top. I was so wet from his semen, he slipped right in, and after a brief adjustment I rode him hard and fast.He stretched me just right, and I was vocal. I described everything, loudly. "Oh god your cock feels so good inside my pussy, I love riding it." And "I love when you cum deep inside me, I love feeling your semen pump into my body." And, "I haven't been fucked like this in so long, you make. How did you know about our wedding? How did you find where we were?" Abigail asked, as Barb patted her face and gently tried to smooth the makeup to cover Abigail's tear tracks.Bill was looking at her with a beaming smile. "We almost didn't. Analise's directions were somewhat sketchy. But when we reached an unexpected fork in the road, we said a little prayer, chose a path, and here we are." Analise called you?" Abigail was reeling. She gawked at the man in the mirror and turned her eyes back to his wife, who worked on touching up Abigail's makeup. Her expression was so loving and ... maternal, that Abigail almost burst into tears again."She did," Bill answered, "I, um, I hope you don't mind us crashing your wedding."Abigail opened her mouth to speak when she saw Bill wink at her. Another surge of happiness filled her, and a smile split her face. "I couldn't be happier." Thank you for coming, Bill," Jack smiled, as he patted the man on the back.Bill stepped closer to Abigail, and his.
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