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The load was not Witch's Brew. It was briefcase probably filled with hard drugs. At least that's what I assumed was in the case. I was in a bit of a quandary. I could open them to test, or I could ask, but the cops were surely going to ask me. So the best I could do was try to identify the delivery sites to the bosses. So that they could identify the pick up people. It might be possible from that to identify what I had.I sent the txt message with the delivery locations forward to the team working surveillance. They should arrange for some kind of response to the pickup. After I sent the message I disabled the phone and removed the battery. They knew not to message me, but I made damn sure that it didn't happen. I didn't want a message coming at the wrong time and getting me killed.The briefcase distribution would be easier than the gallon jugs of booze had been. This stuff was high dollar product. Even more so than what I had been dealing. I was to meet the wholesalers and collect. Then I take those purple beads and her half-glasses and run the beads past her nipples rather quickly so they flutter back and forth. In a short time, she is starting to get really turned on and I see her dainty fingers making a beeline towards her vagina, I have her legs open more so and with those purple beads, I run them over her labia. Greta is going wild now and I get my tongue up into the furnace of her desires.One of her heels is off and I figured it can be put to better use than lying on the floor. I start to finger-fuck Greta with my second and third fingers and she's getting wetter as I heard her love juices sloshing around my fingers. Then I grab that heel and stuffed the toes end up into her garden and work that heel back and forth, all the while the light from an antique lamp shining on that heel is bouncing all over. It is like the shoe is talking to me, telling me to really do Greta with it.Greta is bucking at the hips and making all sorts of sounds which I take as.
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