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Lisa's face was getting pretty covered and there was quite a bit of cum in the bowl.Once everyone had cum, they stood around admiring their work. Then one of the men told me to lick her face clean. I had to tell them that Lisa and I had already agreed, she didn't want me to lick and I didn't want to lick, but I hope they's like what I did do. I used one of my finger on each hand to scoop the cum and push it down her face into the bowl. When I had as much as I could get, I licked my fingers and smiled as nicely as I could and told them I needed to get a glass, they cheered.I brought the bowl to the bar, got a wine glass, and once again used my fingers to clean out the bowl and fill the glass. It put almost 3/4 of the glass full. I'd never eaten a lot of cum mixed together and didn't really know if I could do it, even though it was a bit of a fantasy.As I held the glass up in a toast, some of them started to chant, chug, chug, chug. I stopped them and said I wanted to savor it. ‘I would like you to look at a property. It hasn’t been occupied for quite a few years so I believe it is really a top to bottom job. It’s an old Victorian build and will have to be restored sympathetically, else the local planning department will be jumping all over us. Do you think you can do something like that?’ ‘Yes he can.’ Tina came in with the coffee and answered the question. ‘That’s very good Aleksy. You answered that without moving your lips.’ ‘My English is not too good, Mr. Chandler, so Tina sometime answer for me while I am thinking words to use.’ ‘Your English is perfectly adequate. You know that I have tenants who have no English at all and what is more do not believe they have to learn.’ ‘I would make it a condition for them coming here. They don’t come find work, they come live on benefits for life. Your government is stupid to let them in.’ ‘Let’s not get into that else I will get into a really bad temper. About this house. Do you think you can help me?’ ‘I need.
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