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I checked if she was sleeping properly.I tried to wake her up but she was really tired and was in deep sleep.I couldn’t control looking at her boobs and her juicy lips.I put my one hand on her boobs over her suit.I was gliding my hand over her boobs and her didn’t seem to notice.I noticed that she wasn’t wearing her undershirt over her bra so her nipples were bulging from over her suit.I felt her nipples with my fingers gently being cautious not to wake her up.Her nipples her hard and just the tight size. At this point, I could only see a little of her boobs cleavage.I got an urge to look at her boobs properly as I was stroking myself with the other hand.I decided that I could try and open her suit button without waking her up.So very cautiously with both hands, I opened another button of her suit neckline.Her suit was so tight that as soon as I opened one button her boobs fell open with a jerk.Now I could clearly see her boobs and cleavage.Her bra was of red colour and was barely. Cupid figured that was the point of having an office that big, but he finally reached the front of the desk, standing up on tiptoes to look over the top. He studied the big man, not sure what he'd expected. Of course he'd seen pictures, who hadn't, but they didn't do him justice, not at all.A firm square jaw was the first thing Cupid noticed. Then full but manly lips under a well trimmed mustache. God's nose was hooked at the end, and maybe a little bigger than necessary, but it was all because of the aesthetics of the idea of perfection that he had made it so. His eyes were blue, and were twinkling, but Cupid knew that when God was pissed, his eyes stormed with steely gray lights that flashed lightning at whatever poor soul had crossed him. His hair was dark brown, short and well cut. After all, being the head man in heaven meant you had connections to the best stylists, such as Delilah. He had an angular face and was well tanned. Tall and broad across the shoulders, with a.
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