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I had to wonder if there was just a littlemore padding in the breast area than was supposed to be there with thebreast inserts. But his figure was quite nice. Properly rounded andcurvy, controlled by the expensive suit. The flippy skirt gave just theright amount of demureness to his lower body. Though there was nomistaking that a very nice female bottom was wrapped inside. He had donesomething to his hair in the short time we were separated. Then Irealized that he had woven a white daisy from the arrangement in thehallway into his hair behind his right ear. Such a feminine touch. And Icould say the same thing about the extra mascara which had magicallyappeared on his long and full, for a man, lashes. The flip flops from mycloset did, indeed compliment his suit and were perfect for the beach.His pedicure was properly displayed.Diane's breath caught in her throat. I distinctly heard her gasp. Hermother made a hmmmmmm sound as Diane jumped up and ran to embrace Wendy.Air kisses and oohs. So did Sonny's father."It's nice to meet you, Mrs..." Sam and Harri," interrupted Jeff.She must have seen the confused look in my eyes. "I'm Harri, short for Harriet. And this is my husband Sam," she said, graciously resolving my confusion.Harri was wearing a colorful, tie-died blouse and a peasant skirt. She had an exquisite necklace that appeared to contain turquoise. It was very unusual. She saw me looking."Do you like it? It's an original Harri." Harri makes jewelry," said Jeff. "She learned it on the commune and found out she was a natural. She gets orders from all over the country."I could hear the love and admiration in his voice. It must be nice.They asked about me. I couldn't give them a wrong answer.Whatever I said was "wonderful" to them.Where I lived was "so nice." Majoring in business was "so important." I was "so sweet" to take Jeff home with me. But they made it sound sincere so it wasn't sickening. Being with this family was a constant dose of self esteem. I.
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