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"do you wanna do this now?" Courtney asked and Olivia nodded.Courtney started to remove Olivia's bikini top revealing her small yet succulent breasts and it was so sexy to look at. Olivia continued to blush and Courtney stopped and looked down at her. She then proceeded to remove her own bikini top revealing her full and beautiful breasts. they leaned in for another kiss whilst fondling each breasts and Courtney whispered to Olivia "I hope you like this." Olivia replied with a simple "i know". they both slowly removed their bikini bottoms to reveal their shaven vaginas. Olivia lay back on the sun bed and started to play with herself as Courtney watched and smiled over all it looked perfect.Courtney moved towards Olivia's perfect entrance and started to gently rub her womanhood. Olivia started to moan as she fondled her own breast. Courtney asked "Are you ready?" Olivia was nervous as Courtney looked at her entrance but replied with "Of course". With this agreement Courtney slipped. ‘Why?’ she asked out loud. ‘Why?’ She knew the answer. It was because she was in love with Matt. She had been in love with Matt for a very long time, since college. Yes, in love with her best friend’s boyfriend then husband. For Susan it was almost love at first sight but for Kris, her love for Matt grew slowly. The more time she spent with him, the more in love she became. And the more she did, she knew it was wrong. Matt was Susan’s love and would always be. It was difficult as there were times that Susan would insist that Matt and Kris go places together, like the movies or to dinner. In college if Susan was sick, had a big exam, or one time a movies she didn’t want to see, she ask Kris to go out with Matt. After they were married, there were times when Kelly was ill, Susan would call and ask Kris to give Matt some time. At no time, did Kris ever break Susan’s faith in her. Kris and Susan kept no secrets from each other so when Susan and Matt made love for the first time, Kris.
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