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Now c’mon a few aspirin, little ephedra, water, and you’ll be good as new. Speaking of good as new, what’s the plan for tonight’s festivities?” Joe struggled to make it to one knee, and then slowly rose up holding onto the vanity for support. He grabbed his brush and started to run it through his long scraggly dark brown hair. “The only plan for tonight is sleep, hopefully a trip to the gym if I feel any better.” “The gym?! What the hell do I need to go to the gym for?” As if to emphasize his point J. Guy looked down at his right arm as he tightened it up, the bicep rose obediently, a long vein running the crest. He popped both pecs repeatedly, grinning to himself as a child discovering he has feet for the first time. “I said I’M going to the gym. Now go parade your fucking ego somewhere else would ya?” “What?! Just having a little fun with ya my man.” A critical eye fell on Joe’s reflection from the mirror. “Geez, maybe you should get to the gym there flabby.” “Cut the shit, it’s. ” Josh said looking at his watch. Hadley stood up and stretched, her crop top lifting in the process giving Josh a view of he bruised ribs“What happened here?” he asked tracing the bruise along her side, she pulled her shirt to look at the bruise. She hadn’t noticed it but it could only be from one thing.“Well this incredibly sexy guy crushed me yesterday” she flirted“Oh shit, I’m so sorry, I had no idea…you said you were okay! “He said feeling very guiltyHadley laughed “Chill, its okay. I’m fined” she smiled up at him“Are you sure?”“Yes…but I think you owe me a date” she said as she batted her eyelashes at him“Oh yeah?” he asked amused “Well it is the least you could do… I mean you did crush me” she winked at him“In that case, may I please take you to breakfast Miss Evans” he said getting down on one knee.“You may Mr. Daniels,” she laughed as she gave him her hand.After breakfast Josh took Hadley home. He stopped in front of her parent’s house and turned to look at her “Thanks for.
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