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Five more rings were inserted in rapid succession - two into the wrinkly, saggyflesh of his scrotum on the left side and the right, and one into the area just under his balls- that last one, he knew, was called a guiche. Each time, he heard the whispered word,and each time as the strands of the modified rings intersected with his flesh another jolt ofpleasure shocked into his brain. The cotton candy around his mind was glowing so hotthat it was melting, and by the time the last one in the series, the guiche, went in, themoan that he had been trying to utter finally escaped his mouth. Feeling himself finally wake up, but still remarkably accepting of what washappening to him, Jake levered himself up on his elbows and looked down his body.Before he could fully take in the scene at his groin, though, he found himself distractedfirst by the weight, and then by the sight of his new breasts. They hung from his chest,tipped by long nipples perforated by metal jewelry, the disks of the. For almost two months he had heard the litany — "I've got a headache." "My stomach is upset." "I just don't feel well." "It's my time of the month."This morning had finally torn it for him. Just before he left the house he told her not to wait dinner on him and when she had asked why he had he'' said, "Since I can't get laid at home I'm going to try and find myself a woman to pick up. If I can't score that way maybe I'll hire a prostitute" and he had stormed out of the house.Charlie knew the root of the problem. When Julie had found out she was pregnant she had been overjoyed. When three months later she had miscarried she had been devastated. The doctor told him that some depression was normal after such a circumstance, but that Julie would snap out of it in a week or two. Well, she hadn't, and when Charlie told her she should seek some professional help she had refused saying that there was nothing wrong with her. That morning when she had roughly pushed his hands away from her.
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