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We like to see the workingman and woman get a hand up, instead of always giving to people who expect a hand out. The ones that work their asses of all their lives are taxed the most by the government to pay for all the lazes that never had a job and never will. Diana suggested that we have lunch for your crews when they finish, and there'll be an envelope by their plates, if you don't object. Just a thank-you from the Matthews."Wainwright laughed out loud, then. "Hell, there will be a fight to see who gets to go the next time we decide to send a crew up here. Yeah, Jeff, it's fine with me. Margaret and I appreciate it."An hour later, the girls ushered the installation crews into the large dining room. Several of the people were obviously hesitant, probable because of dirty, and sometimes muddy work clothes. Two of the women had almost panicked when they were told that they would be eating with the Matthews in the large dining room. The Matthews were reported to be nice people, but. The contract would be huge. Trinity was in the driver’s seat for the contract and their strategy was developed and implemented perfectly. The regional salesman discovered a weakness. The customer was desperate for the product quicker than the documents required. They were in a financial bind and getting the product quicker would give them a stronger foothold in meeting their commitments. It was knowledge that allowed Trinity to squeeze harder on pricing and terms because they were the only ones capable of delivering that fast.While he paused to sip his drink, I could see her pondering something. The way she was thinking about what her husband had explained, I wondered, for the first time, what her background might have been before they married.“So …”, she began, “it sounds like normal negotiations. You found a weakness and took advantage. It’s what happens between companies. Why your reaction? You’ve done this before and there was always a celebration. You went in for the kill and.
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