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“Ewww!” She screeched and violently dabbed her eye on her sleeve. The agitated dog flinched at her sudden movement and repaid her by biting down on the arm she was using to wipe her eye. Sarah tried to scream for help but she still couldn’t get her breathing under control, so instead her plea for help came out sounding like a balloon losing air as it spins around the room. The beast yanked on her arm a few times before letting go and grabbing her jeans and part of her leg in his fangs. Sarah didn’t even notice as his teeth pierced through her ankle, only when he began pulling her back towards his fence did she feel the skin tearing.I must have blacked out… Sarah thought to herself. She was all the way back where he must have broken out of, cause half her body was outside the fence, but her feet had been dragged into the yard where the animal was still trying its hardest to pull the rest of her into its enclosure. Sarah scrambled to get free but like a dog playing tug-of-war the more. He then showed me how to apply makeup to make W appear more lifelike. He placed a layer of powder over her face to make it less pale as W had been rather tanned when she was alive. He then put a light layer of reddish powder on her cheeks to give her a lovely natural looking blush. Finally, he applied a layer of pink colored lipstick over W’s pouting lips. He then started to comb her hair while spraying it with hair spray while I help W slip on a pair of dark blue shoes. He then fastened a rosary around her neck. Finally, he sprayed W with some sweet smelling perfume to keep her smelling fresh.“Now we’re done. I am now going back. You can leave when you are done with the body but remembered the guidelines I told you earlier. No traces and no sex. She’s all yours now.” With that, Mr M left and locked the door behind him.In front of me now lay a sweet looking 18 year old girl who looked as though she was peacefully sleeping. The only imperfection were the 5 pieces of clay plugging the.
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