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” I'm ashamed to say that I was actually wet, this was the nearest I'd got to foreplay in years. “Do you think she'd like to feel my cock?” My husband didn't have time to answer as his friends hand went from my panties to his zip. I heard him lower it then fumble between us and I felt the throbbing heat from his naked cock against my belly. I began to struggle again, but again it was useless. My husband had promised that his friend could fuck me and there was nothing I could do about it. His friend took my hand and slid it between us and I knew exactly where this was going. He pushed it down until I could feel his hard shaft against my hand. “Stroke it Hazel,” he said, “you know you want to.” I clenched my fist, determined I wasn't going to make it easy for them but the combination of his fingers forcing mine apart and the fact that he bit down on my nipple again meant I was forced to comply. That or scream and wake the k**s. As my fist closed over his knob I could the sliminess of. . the tops of them all in lace... smiling to myself... i slip somethings in my purse... and turn back to you... eager to begin our night... listening to soft music once in the car... as you drive...I lean over and give you a soft kiss on your neck... letting you breathe in my scent...I see your dimple deepen... as i sit back... my hand reachs for yours... entertwined... both of us smiling... wondering what delights await us...I give you directions of where to go... arriving at the beach... a lone cottage awaits us...You ask why we are here... and I whisper... shhh... wait and see... stepping from the car... a soft gentle breeze blowing... its a clear starry night... a cresent moon lights the darkness... you make your way towards me... your arms encircling my waist... pulling me to you... your eyes watching the wind blow through my hair... our lips meeting... a soft sweet kiss... your tongue gliding in between my lips... seeking mine... our bodys swaying as the kiss deepens... a.
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