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It was with that in mind that I invited Meriel James and his wife to join me for cocktails on the evening of a Friday in late September together with a number of my other clients.It was hot; so different from the cold and damp Spring evening on which we first met. We were in the drawing room. The doors to the garden outside were open, providing us with a breath of air that brought with it the scent of late summer flowers and the suggestion of the onset of Autumn.There were, I suppose two dozen guests, all of them couples. The twelve women had all passed through my classes over the preceding year. The Darrows were there as well as the James. Amelia Robins whose buttocks had endured so much pain until she came to accept her role; Diana Johnson who must have carried the bruising from the fetters of her extended confinement for many weeks; all were there in support of their men. They all knew that they had shared similar experiences but of course all chose to keep their own personal. I told her that I was sorry and I know that I shouldn't have done that and she started to tell me that she wanted it to happen. She told me that she knew it was wrong but her hubby wasn't taking care of her needs and she was longing to be held by a man.She told me that her Hubby was out of town at a seminar and wouldn't be back for 2 more days. I told her that I couldn't let my vehicle parked there for very long or the neighbors would start to wonder what was going on. She said that she agreed but asked me if there was any way that I could come back after work and spend the evening with her. I immediately told her yes. She said that she would have supper ready for me when I got there.I arrived back at her house around 6 PM. When I got to the door she had it open and greeted me with a Big Hot Steamy Kiss and then more tongue than I had ever had. She took me into the den and asked me If I would like a Glass of wine before dinner and she went into the kitchen and came back with 2.
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