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Based on that reconnaissance you based your plan of attack.”Shaun nodded “yes Sir.”“Would you mind explaining the reason for your plans?”Shaun took a deep breath before beginning. “First of all, owing to the distance to travel, a route had to be found that allowed a reasonable chance of not being discovered by the enemy. Secondly, we needed to establish the bases routine in regards to guard changes and aircraft flights. Also, enemy gun emplacements, radio office, and barracks.“We spent 48 hours checking these aspects out. Thirdly was our escape plan once the mission was completed. It seemed obvious to me that if we tried to escape immediately after the attack we would be discovered due to the open terrain. Therefore I decided that we needed a place to hole up in until the heat was off so to speak. We located a spot further west at Wadi Al-Kuf. A cave we could put the trucks in and fortunately it contained a source of water. I decided that this would be ideal for creating a cache. She had begun to think he had left her here to die, tied up and unable to move. But about ten minutes ago she had heard the movement downstairs and then another fear had taken over. The fear of him coming back and hurting her. As he undid the gag her head fell forward, the pain in her neck screaming in running threads down the muscles that now she could move and stretch, and she rolled her mouth allowing her jaw to get back some movement. ‘I’m going to untie your hands from the frame, but keep them tied up behind you. I want you to stand up and come with me.’ In a quiet voice she asked him, ‘I need to go to the toilet, please can I go?’ Behind her she heard him say, ‘When we get downstairs.’ He helped her to stand and never taking his hands from around her arms pushed her towards the door and down the stairs, guiding her towards a small toilet room, with a filthy cracked bowl. Pushing her into the small room she stood there unable to pull her pants down due to her still bound hands..
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