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I think I came two or three times before Ms boss was satisfied. She and slave S then helped me out of the restraints.-Now slaves, slave S will be tied up and slave G to.-Yes Ms boss.-Yes MS boss.As Ms boss got into that hot leather corset that showed her tits and her big dick she told me to get that weird gag and put my balls into the "handcuff".I obeyed and as she asked me to strap on the straps behind Slave S head I relised what the gag whas for. The straps held the gag onto slave S head and with my balls in the by me called "handcuff" my balls where in her mouth and slave S had nu choice but to please my balls until someone set her free. Slave S was on her knees with my balls st****d into her mouth, her arms in the tight one-sleeve.-Open your mouth slave G.As I did so Ms boss jammed a different ball gag that i hadn´t noticed before into my mouth. It was a regular ball gag but with straps to secure it under my jaw and behind my gag. The gag became tighter and tighter as the straps. Although we had not spoken of it she knew it was time for me to leave. We played the game lovers play long into the night until sleep claimed us.When I awoke there was a silence in the cave. And 'She' was not there nor was my furs. I stepped outside the cave/nest. There I found my pack horses which “'She” had found weeks before, My furs were already packed aboard them.I looked around but 'She' was not around. I looked down in sadness I picked the lead rope and sadly began my trek south. Six days later I reached the Trading post. I never sad a word about 'She'The other Trappers had been right beaver furs didn't fetch as much as before. If it had not been for the other furs I would not have broken even. I had three Buffers, couple of big horn, a few wolves and a bunch of deer pelts. I was going back to find 'She' but didn't get to leave as planned. Morning of the third day woke to a blizzard. Drifts were over 10' deep and it kept coming down. It looked like we were stuck for the.
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