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All the little things in life are unappealing. Food tastes bland, nothing has any meaning. You can’t feel good about anything, especially about yourself. Even when I gave birth to Brianna I didn’t feel happy.” Samantha broke down at this point. John clutched onto her, trying to shield her from memories. “I was so indifferent at first, can you believe that? I was an automaton, without feeling, without joy. Life was hard but something kept me going. I put my degree in business administration to use and was able to find a job. In time, after about Brianna’s first birthday I started feeling better, I could love Brianna for starters. She’s wonderful isn’t she?” “She’s beautiful,” John replied as he gave her a gentle, encouraging squeeze. “But later I realized something wasn’t right about Brianna.” “She didn’t talk.” “Yeah. I took her to the doctor but I already knew what he was going to say. Brianna can’t talk. My drug addiction cost my baby her voice. Cocaine messes with the. I rarely enter in to chat, on an average once in span of six months, but fortunate enough to found some cute babes in the chat. During one of my casual chat sessions I happened to meet a cute babe, who is at her 22 named Sukeerthi in Kerala Chat room, she completed her M.C.A and was in her job trails in hyderabad, slowly our friendship really blossomed. It was one studded with great respect for each other and intense fellowship, developed through all the chats.Though I have made quite a few advances in our chats to be honest, she had always maintained that dignified distance and curtly cutting me off when I start off. In a couple of chat sessions itself gained a lot of respect for her and that marked the end of my approaches as well; but we used to chat for hours on.Days have passed and even weeks and we almost chat every day and we exchanged our mobile numbers and started calling each other. We decided to meet each other when the time comes and the time has arrived, we decided to.
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